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Has It Really Been All Year?

This can't be. This is a recurring theme in my life, and everyday I challenge myself more and more to publish my words and my art and my creative work, that is not my bodywork.

I have made it a goal of mine to keep regular blogs posted although, that clearly, has been a struggle thus far. But I am learning more and more to seize the moments of creativity. They are here one moment and gone the next. I want to bite into them more, and see what feels like, if I continue to just do the things out loud that I am feeling/seeing/experiencing in my head.

So it's November! Almost a whole year has gone by and there have been some epic travel stories this year as well as many insights from the collective energy that has affected us all in different ways.

I always see running themes in my practice, with the kinds of injuries or ailments that come in. Every week has an irony running through it; many people experience similar happenings in their lives during certain collective highs and lows. Including myself! Being able to see this is helpful for me as a practitioner, because so often, we can feel consumed by our inner worlds going one way or another. Knowing what may be unique to us and knowing what is happening collectively can give us a sense of direction when navigating the waters of emotion, stress, intuitive feelings, what we want, and what we need.

The overall thing I've picked up on this year is the deepening of this massive shift happening in the world. Ever since 2020, we've seen everyone's live change. Covid was a big awakening for the World, one that millions were not ready for and one that many other capitalized from. Lots of missed opportunities to be heard and grow closer. Lots of moments in being heard and growing closer.

All we know is one decision at a time.

All we have is a relationship with our intuition to help us in each moment of life, make the next step that we believe will bring us closer where we want to be: peace, happiness, success, love; whatever that end goal is for you.

We're all so focused on the pain we have, the troubles we entertain, the stress we hold onto, that we so often forget about the peaks we've climbed, the traumas we've overcome, and most importantly, the healing tools and resources we've picked up along the way!

November is a reflective month for me, and this year has been one to reflect on.

Many of you have been confused and unsure what's been happening since August, so I'll be sure to back-post some stories with explanations, pictures included, of some of the happenings of my life that led up to me and Anna making the decision to convert my car and move to the road for a year.

It was an excruciating decision. I've never been in such a stable and solid place in my life, but maybe that's the point for me to recognize and honor. I've built my entire career on the east coast and raised my dogs out here, all my tattoos got done out here, all my coming out was supported out here, all of my clients have become family out here, and all of my best healing and adult growth has been out here. This place has supported and held me in so many ways, as equally as it has crushed me, broken my heart, and put me in serious violence, more than once.

This wild county of Fairfield has been my home since I was 23. Dang, that feels like a lifetime ago. In fact, a life cycle it was. So much can change in seven+ years. There is something that is asking me to have faith in the next part of my steps, and I've been practicing having more faith in the unknown guidance I feel that feels loving and good - that was also a factor of our decision this past Summer. Honoring when the sense of completion in a space is ready to be had. And that completion is calling, as much as it pains me.

I never thought I'd live here for as long as I've had. It's been such a beautiful chapter of my life and continues to make me smile everyday, for the people and places I've met here are unlike any other. I have always been someone to follow the call of the wind, and now it is calling. And I must answer.

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